The Midnight Gang — Lola
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The Midnight Gang


July 30, 2019

TV Drama
About This Project


We recently completed our third David Walliams adaptation for King Bert Productions.

Shown on BBC1 on Boxing Day, the Midnight Gang tells the story of Tom, a young boy who must spend a stint in the children’s ward at Lord Funt Hospital, after an accident during a cricket game.

Once he arrives, Tom quickly makes enemies — including a frightening porter and a bitter matron who dislikes children — and friends, as he discovers The Midnight Gang, a group of kids who secretly sneak out of the ward at midnight and go on magical adventures.

Lola were tasked with making a 90 year old pensioner fly around London under a bunch of helium filled balloons, in true Walliams style ending up naked atop Nelson’s Column (ooer).

Paul Cousins provided a CG St. Paul’s Cathedral and Chris Glew added Big Ben, the London Eye and some rather aggressive pigeons.

The show was directed by Elliot Hegarty and produced by Charlie Leech.